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Education Verification

The Education Verification process involves the school district verifying a student's educational background and records for various purposes, such as employment, college admissions, or professional licensing.

Overview of the steps involved:

  1. Requester Initiates Verification: The individual or organization requesting the education verification initiates the process by contacting the school district.
  2. Verify Requester's Authorization: School districts must adhere to federal and state privacy laws, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). As such, the individual or organization making the request may be required to provide written consent or proof of authorization from the parent/guardian or student prior to the District releasing the education verification information.
  3. School District Contact Information: Individual or organization making the request should email or fax proof of authorization (if applicable) and the request to Deb Gainer at or  (717) 367-2135.
  4. Verification Method: The school district issues the education verification in a digital format.
  5. Timeline: While the school district does its best to fulfill an education verification in a timely manner, it could take up to ten days for the request to be processed and issued to the requester.